High School:  413-568-5692


Safety and Usage Guidelines

Mobile Phone Use Policy

Students are to turn off and turn in their cell phones at the beginning of class. They will place their powered down cell phone into the cell phone holder located in the classroom. At the end of the period, students may take their phones with them. Students are allowed to use their cell phones between classes and at lunch. If a student is caught using their cell phone during class time, the phone will be turned into the main office.

Telephone Calls Policy

If students need to call home, they may use the office phone. The office phone is a business phone. Students will not be called out of class for phone messages, unless it is an emergency. Parents/guardians must not contact their son or daughter by cell phone during the school day. This includes the sending of text messages. All communication will be made through the main office of the school. Students receiving calls or text messages will still be subject to the penalties above. If a student is feeling ill, he/she should report to the main office and will receive attention from the nurse. Students are prohibited from calling home from the restroom and requesting to be dismissed. Students who do so will be subject to the penalties outlined in the cell phone policy.

Internet Use Policy

Our official internet use policy and other details are included in our Student Handbook. All students are expected to be aware of and abide by these policies.

Cell Phone and Other Electronic Technology Infraction Policy

First Offense
– Verbal and/or written warning to the student.

Second Offense
– Device is confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day.
– Detention is assigned.

Third Offense
– Device is confiscated and only returned to the parent/guardian by the Principal.
– Detention is assigned.